Web development: a female perspective
Nowadays, more men than women hold web development positions. I’ll explain why a female presence in the field is crucial.
According to statista.com, their latest survey on “Gender distribution of software developers worldwide” shows a significant gender gap, with 91.67% being men and only 5.31% women. This imbalance is especially noticeable in university settings, where women’s enrollment in ICT-oriented careers lags significantly behind that of men.
Reasons why we need more women in the web development field:
- Women’s creativity sparks innovation in software creation and design. Both men and women possess similar skills, but there’s untapped potential in female skills that should be developed further.
- The underrepresentation of women has led to a growing influence of men, stemming from young women’s disinterest in pursuing development-focused careers. Active involvement in this field can inspire others to overcome the fear of leading, designing, planning, and executing impactful web development projects.
- A diverse gender composition provides a broader perspective on implementable solutions, drawing from the varied experiences and unique perspectives of both genders. This diversity not only enhances the work environment but also improves overall teamwork.
There’s no need to stereotype this field and restrict it to a specific gender.