Why I need a Web hosting and maintenance service?

I’m glad to see businesses grow, and how they innovate in new ways to grow. If there’s any way that we think we’ve been a part of that growth, we think as an agency, we can celebrate it.

Many of our clients wonder why hosting and maintenance of a Website should be added to the service.

Surely you have come here trying to answer the question of why I need the service.

Can’t I just have the website?

Why do they tell me that I have to pay monthly?

Shouldn’t I just buy the website and be done?

Well, it depends, and this is about many things.

However, if you have opened a new branch in a Shopping Center or on the main street of your city, this branch requires maintenance, cleaning, painting at some point, an image refresh, and…someone has to do it.

The Website is also an online branch. It is our way of opening ourselves to the world so that they can observe us, get to know us and know who we are.

Without a website, it will be more difficult for them to get to know me digitally, it’s important and relevant.

That is why we are happy that there are new ways to grow, and that we are part of this, because we have been the architects and builders of a new branch, which generates sales (what we all want), generates jobs and also movement of employees. products or services we have.

We celebrate that success with you.

However, if we just build it and don’t maintain it, it will surely stop working at some point.

Have you seen those videos of what would happen if humanity left the world for 10 years?

Well, we have come across websites that have not been maintained for 10 years and are a DISASTER.

They no longer exist and are useless.

On the other hand, we have websites that we have hosted in our Shopping Center (Hosting), and we are giving them maintenance, we are waiting that no one attacks them, that they maintain their security, that they are always open and that if an image change is necessary, we can do it too.

That is basically and in simple words the Hosting and Maintenance.

And if you need it and are looking for someone who can help you, we advise you and help you choose the best option for your website.

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