What Unplug Studio does?

At Unplug Studio, we understand the importance of having a strong digital presence for any business in today’s digital world. Our team of experts has extensive experience and knowledge in the field of digital marketing, web development and data analytics, allowing us to provide customized solutions to meet the specific needs of each of our…

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What is WordPress?

WordPress is a free and open-source website creation platform, also known as a content management system (CMS), written in PHP that uses a MySQL database. Furthermore, it is considered as the most powerful and easiest blogging and website builder that exists nowadays.  WordPress is a versatile CMS that allows you to create a variety of…

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Web development: a female perspective

Nowadays, more men than women hold web development positions. I’ll explain why a female presence in the field is crucial. According to statista.com, their latest survey on “Gender distribution of software developers worldwide” shows a significant gender gap, with 91.67% being men and only 5.31% women. This imbalance is especially noticeable in university settings, where…