How we optimize our articles for Blog

When writing an article for our Blog, we must take into account the factors that directly affect its positioning and thus be able to treat them.

  1. Keywords

When it comes to writing an article, we must first do a quick search for the topic to be written, this in order to observe how visitors search for it and thus discover the keywords they use and guide us through them, to achieve that our topic shows up in the SERPs and is competitive.

But it must be clear that the excessive use of these words is not the right thing for our users, because no one would like that every 10 words the same thing is repeated, this will cause a tired and little understandable reading, in addition to how tedious it can to become. We should always write for people and not for Google crawlers.

Although the keywords have to be included in the title and description, we try to make their use in a subtle and striking way, respecting the use of some tags such as H1 for title and H3 for subtitle, since it will help easier positioning.

  1. Organization

The structure of an article is a very important for its understanding. We simply have to know how to order it and how far to cut it, to generate short paragraphs that have a main idea to convey. It is useless to make large paragraphs if at the end it is not clear what you want to share or it is useless to make them short if the idea is not transmitted well. There is not a number of lines that can define a paragraph, nor a number of paragraphs that can define an article, but we must consider the value of the information we want to give.

The parts that we are going to define as the structure for the articles are:

  • Title: It must be clear and eye-catching, causing curiosity in the reader. Respecting that it fulfills the promise of content.

For example:

  • How to increase the percentage of web traffic to 50%?
  • 5 incredible tips to master SEO.
  • Introduction: We present information that captures attention according to the topic, in this case we can vary the content in different ways to start.

For example:

One question: Do we usually change the default view settings in

Google Analytics? We should know that …

An analogy: Using the default view in Google Analytics is like handling

an automatic car, we will never make changes.

A quote: “A good practice is to create 3 basic views and 3 custom views of

according to the needs that arise. “As Albeiro Ochoa affirms

A statistic: 7 out of 10 users only use the default view of

Google Analytics to save information.

A controversial or controversial phrase: Use only the default Google view

Analytics is not that great. Unlike what some people think …

  • Content: We start the thread of what we want to transmit, it has to be clear and not redundant, taking care to maintain the interest of the reader.
  • Conclusion and closure: We make a summary of the topic, focused on the main idea to establish what was said before.
  1. Non-redundant content

Sometimes, there are synonyms of words that we can use to express and create a pleasant reading, this in order to avoid falling into redundancy, and always keep in mind that not all synonyms can be used for what we want to convey. Sometimes they will just make a confusing read.

Quantity will never be better than quality, therefore, we always try to get to the main idea without much detouring and although the exact number of words for an article is not known, it is recommended that ours have a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 1300, keeping the reading below 7 minutes.

  1. Pictures

Most of the time, people associate content better with the use of illustrative images, therefore, we recommend using them within the content as long as they are of good quality and preferably their own, otherwise grant credits. We must take care of their weight so as not to generate a slow page load and we have to know how to measure well how many are useful to accompany the text, because an article where they find more images than text does not make sense. Everything is about a balance where what we are looking for is a plus in content.

  1. Social networks

At the end of our article, we must place the icons of social networks so that it is easier to share it. This in order to motivate readers to spread the content strategically.


There are tools that will help us check the quality of our article and the points mentioned above.

  • READ-O-METER: It helps us to know the number of words in the article and calculates the reading time for it. It is quite useful so that we always keep in mind that it does not exceed the recommended number of words of 300 minimum and 1300 maximum, and that we keep the reading below 7 minutes preferably.
  • LANGUAGE TOOL: It is our friend tool, since its objective is to correct our spelling errors, in addition, its advantage is being a Chrome extension, therefore, we can make use of it simultaneously when we write our article online.
  • ONLINE SYNONYMS: Said before, using synonyms of the words in the article is very important so that we are not redundant. That is why we will make use of this tool which provides us with the synonyms in different contexts that in the end is what we are looking for to write with quality and coherence.

In conclusion, if we put these points and recommendations into practice, we will make our readers interested in our articles already published and to be published. In addition to helping Google crawlers to position them more easily.

by Karina Diaz

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